Creative Labs GigaWorks T40 Series II – loudspeakers (Tabletop/bookshelf, PC, Built-in, Wired, RCA/3.5mm, 50-20000 Hz)
Refer the user manual below for troubleshooting
BasXPort technology enhances the low frequency response without the bulkiness of a subwoofer. Convenient front access to volume, bass, treble and input jacks.
Connects to your computer, MP3 player, LCD TV or other stereo audio sources.
Refer the user manual below for troubleshooting
BasXPort technology enhances the low frequency response without the bulkiness of a subwoofer. Convenient front access to volume, bass, treble and input jacks.
Connects to your computer, MP3 player, LCD TV or other stereo audio sources.
Comes with a power-saving feature that puts the speaker on standby when audio is not detected, and wakes it up automatically when audio is played.
This item is non-returnable. Please refer the User Manual before use,
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